Monday, February 15, 2010

And the Winner Is...

Accoding to the recent poll results, "Frost" by the AMAZING Corinna Stiles (of fame ) is the latest winner of the BSC photo assignment challenge with her semi-abstract rendition of a "shot of chocolate". With a great use of visual elements and textures, it was sure to impress, and did!

As the winner of the Beverage Assignment, Corinna will get to select the next "assignment", which will be posted very, very soon. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the BSC photo gallery (link at left) and check back for the next assignment.

Thanks to everyone that submitted photos, and thanks to those of you that voted. Your participation is much appreciated!


  1. Thank you for the votes! This was a tough shot as I only had as long as it took for the freezer frost on the glass to melt!

    I am really enjoying these projects, as its taken me into a brand new world - photography! And I get to choose the next about....

  2. Well, I can't wait to hear what you choose for the next BSC Assignment Challenge! I am sure it will be interesting and offer some creative leeway...

  3. Yellow! I would like the next assignment to be YELLOW!


Thank you for your feedback! I truly appreciate you taking the time.