Monday, February 1, 2010

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It...

For the next BSC "assignment", I am thinking more of an inner-warmth kind of submission. Something that starts on the inside and radiates to the rest of your body. What could I be referring to? A beverage of your choice of course! Whether that be a steaming cup of java, a can of your favorite soda, or maybe that perfectly crafted martini, it doesn't matter, so long as it is a beverage, YOU take the picture, and the picture was taken during the timeframe of this "assignment". Remember, the idea is to get us all taking more pictures, challenging ourselves, and getting those creative juices flowing again!

No more than 3 submissions per person please (email them to ), and be sure to include your information, as well as any pertinent info about your equipment, location, settings, etc. Submissions for this "assignment" will be accepted until 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 7th. Voting will begin February 8th ending 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 14th. I will announce the winner on the 15th and share any info provided about the winning image, and any info the photographer might like to include about themselves. And remember, PLEASE only vote for your favorite image once... after all the winner gets to select the next "assignment"! (some restrictions apply)

I can't wait to see your submissions this week, and thank you for taking on this assignment. Now get out there, shoot some amazing images and watch out... This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds...

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