Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vote for the one you like best...

Here are the entries for the first BSC photo assignment. Please vote for your favorite in the poll box in the left margin (PLEASE only vote once). After 7 days of voting, the winner will be selected, and I will reveal the photographer, as well as some more information on the winning image. My sincere thanks to those that participated! Oh, and be sure to look for your next assignment coming up in only 8 days!


boy toy toy





Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Your First Assignment:

Alright, after a few of you voted to go ahead with the assignment idea, our first assignment will be a door or doors. Yep, that's right, you read that correctly. Why have you guys submit pictures of things everyone always shoots, when we can shoot unconventional things that are usually thought of as mundane and uninteresting? I want this to be more interesting.

Each person can submit up to 3 images for each assignment via email to . Please include any pertinent information regarding the image, the equipment you use, your name and contact info. And don't worry, I won't publish your contact information on here. It's so I can contact you when you "win". I will post all images within this blog, number them, and have a vote. Submissions will be accepted through midnight the 24th of January, followed by 7 days of voting, with the winner being announced the 1st of February.

I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! Happy Shooting!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tonight is the BIG night for my dear friend Tod Alan with his latest amazing endeavor... Scandalous @ China Blue in Downtown Boise. Doors open at 7pm and the show begins just after 9pm. With 45 or so models, this should be quite the extravaganza! Tod is well known for his off the wall, creative and awe inspiring fashions, and tonight will likely be no exception. Being billed as "Dr. Seuss meets Victoria's Secret meets Cirque de Soleil", it will no doubt shock and amaze everyone in attendance. This will be an event for the ages! I for one cannot wait to see what this creative soul has achieved! I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Here's My Idea...

I have been trying to think of a way to get YOU more involved here, and I have an idea. How about a weekly or monthly photo assignment, where I would post a "photo assignment" for everyone to get their best shot of, say, transportation. You would then email your single best shot in that category with all pertinent information about the image, and perhaps a short bio piece on yourself. At the conclusion of the assignment, I would select one image and photographer to highlight, posting the submitted image (with full credits of course), image specs and their brief bio for all to enjoy. Maybe I would create an album with all submitted images and let you guys vote for the "best". What do you think? Vote in the poll at the left, and feel free to comment as well.. Until then, enjoy one of my favorite snapshots from days gone by...

Monday, January 11, 2010

What a Weekend!

Wow! What an excruciating couple of days I’ve had (in a purely technological way). Saturday afternoon, as I sat down to upload some pictures, post a new entry and the like here on, all hell broke loose within my computer.

Startup programs refused to work, google was taking me to various sundry websites with every search (you can only imagine the content that popped up), and I came to a scary realization… I don’t have ANYTHING on this computer backed up (first mistake). At about that same time, I remembered something else I had been meaning to get to for quite some time; I needed desperately to renew my virus protection software. I had let it expire for roughly the past 4 months (second mistake). Knucklehead.

Ordinarily, I am an overly cautious computer user, never visiting strange websites, never downloading anything I don’t know, and ALWAYS having the best virus protection a home consumer’s money can buy. However my not-so-recent lapse in judgment had placed my computer, photographs, and iTunes in great jeopardy. Headache.

I immediately downloaded the most recent version of KAV, and it found nearly 100 issues right off the bat, the most serious being a virus that couldn’t be removed. I also started having more programs shut down, wanting windows to search and find a solution. There is no piece of mind that comes with THAT. Panic.

Long story short, here I am 2 days later, 3 additional software downloads and custom scripts later, and I believe my computer is finally virus free. I also have a new external HD and have back-ups of all things important from my computer. Learn from my mistake. Back-up and keep protected!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Like the Jeffersons...

Just like the Jeffersons, Beau Stiles Creative is movin' on up. Today, I added an online gallery with images from the old website, making new categories to assist in finding sample or stock images easier, as well as adding tags to nearly every image. It is a process, and I will be working towards a more user-friendly and interactive product as BSC moves forward.

What's on the horizon for BSC? Well, for starters, I have nearly 1000 new images to go through and select from to add to the site, some of which are stock photos, or simply samples of work, while still others can be ordered as prints if you like them (sans BSC logo of course). I also have three steel fabrication projects in the works. I am currently sourcing materials for two of them, but hope to begin the first project within the next week or so!

Feel free to peruse the images that are in the gallery for now, and be sure to check back frequently. I will be adding images on a regular basis, and will get into a rhythm of writing (blogging) once the basics are in place. Also, your feedback is always welcome, so feel free to leave a comment or send an email. Thank you for your patience, and especially for visiting. See you again soon!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


As I sit here missing the warm sun, cool sand and gentle waves of the Pacific island of Oahu, I can't help but to want to share the experience with you (and go back as well). That leads me to the latest incarnation of! I will continue to share various images of people, places & things, all of which have made an impression on me in one way or another, and will include some background on these same images. My intent is for you to be intrigued, learn something new, and maybe be inspired yourself. I am continuing to fabricate as well, and have a few projects already in mind. As these come to fruition, I will surely let you in on the process, as well as the end result!

As for the image above, it was taken from my table at the Hula Grill on Waikiki Beach, where my family & I enjoyed our Christmas dinner. The sun had just dipped below the horizon, and a light sea breeze kept the temperature most comfortable, adding to the perfection of the MahiMahi and Mai Tais!

Thanks for being a part of this endeavor, and I look forward to the future of Beau Stiles Creative!